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Computer Hardware & Peripherals Companies

Database of hardware and peripherals companies and contacts. Includes manufacture and supply, backup and storage devices, scanners, computer R&D, computer supplies, assemblies, games hardware, input/output devices, keyboards, monitors, clean room design & installation, OCR, printers, voice recognition systems, graphics workstations, boards, controllers, networking equipment, power supplies and repair & maintenance. See database statistics for more information.

Package Stats




Age of Data

Average age of data
(last updated):
Under 3 months: 0
Under 1 year: 663
More than 1 year: 4,020

New companies added
in last 3 months:

New contacts added
in last 3 months:

Package Breakdown

By State

Alabama : 57
Alberta : 10
Arizona : 31
Arkansas : 12
British Columbia : 36
California : 737
Colorado : 42
Connecticut : 36
Delaware : 19
District Of Columbia : 13
Florida : 495
Georgia : 144
Hawaii : 1
Idaho : 16
Illinois : 179
Indiana : 94
Iowa : 35
Kansas : 60
Kentucky : 58
Louisiana : 6
Maine : 16
Maryland : 131
Massachusetts : 214
Michigan : 168
Minnesota : 61
Mississippi : 19
Missouri : 7
Montana : 3
Nebraska : 24
Nevada : 12
New Hampshire : 64
New Jersey : 84
New Mexico : 5
New York : 231
North Carolina : 125
North Dakota : 5
Ohio : 202
Oklahoma : 20
Oregon : 56
Pennsylvania : 274
Puerto Rico : 2
Rhode Island : 16
South Carolina : 59
South Dakota : 8
Tennessee : 72
Texas : 220
Utah : 13
Vermont : 9
Virginia : 246
Washington : 81
West Virginia : 43
Wisconsin : 111
Wyoming : 1

By Department

Executive Management : 4,841
Management & Administration : 2,263
Accounting & Finance : 500
Sales : 500
Marketing : 363
Operations : 304
Services : 58
IT/Technology : 318
Engineering : 446
Human Resources : 773
Safety & Security : 7
Legal : 4
Manufacturing : 60
Product Development : 30
Purchasing : 89
QA : 18
R&D : 19
Training : 1

By Level

Executive : 4,551
VP : 1,591
Director : 741
Manager : 2,226
Assistant : 1,014

Employee Size (actual number of employees)

5+ : 740
10+ : 387
25+ : 206
50+ : 137
100+ : 78
250+ : 54

Employee Size (by range)

1-10 : 94
11-50 : 175
51-200 : 74
201-500 : 25
501-1,000 : 7
1,001-5,000 : 4
5,001-10,000 : 1
Above 10,000 : 3

By PRC Code

Computer Peripherals/Accessories : 1,369
Computer Systems (Hardware) : 3,558


Contact Us
Forum Publishing Company
383 East Main Street
Centerport, NY 11721
1-631-754-0630 (fax)


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